In ten years, what will you remember about law school?

We can guarantee that in ten years, the things that will stand out most in your mind won’t be lectures or readings. It will be the people you meet and the experiences you have.

Participating in competitions is the most sure-fire way to make your experience at Griffith Law more than a degree. You will develop invaluable skills, create unforgettable memories and forge close friendships. This is an experience you must not miss!

Tri 1, 2025 Competitions- COMING SOON

What are law school competitions?

Competitions use fictional legal scenarios to test your real-world skills in a safe, supportive environment. They are a crucible in which you will develop your strengths and identify your weaknesses. They can help you to decide on specific career directions - do you prefer the thrill of engaging with a hostile witness in court, or the satisfaction of negotiating a $3 billion agreement that benefits all parties? You will really only know once you’ve tried them all.

Our key competitions offerings


Whats your style?

Competitive, collaborative or conciliatory? Use the time you have to come up with a solution that benefits all parties.


May it please the court…

The most challenging and prestigious of the competitions. Research and argue an appeal case in a courtroom setting.


What kind of lawyer do you want to be?

You only have a short amount of time to get to know your client, build rapport, understand their story and provide sound advice. Can you do it?

Witness examination


Use rules of evidence and procedure to deal with a hostile witness in court. You’ll need to keep your cool!

Who can participate?

You’ll need to be enrolled in a Law program at Griffith University, and you’ll need to be an LSA member. Our junior competitions are open to anyone in their first or second year of their law degree. Open competitions deal with more complex matters and are open to all law students.

Read the general competitions rules.

what’s in it for me?

Apart from the incredible development of skill and knowledge, the networking opportunities with students and the all-round experience?

Law firms love it! They love to see competitions experience on your resume. It shows you’re engaged and organised. Some of our sponsored competitions give you the opportunity to put a law firm’s name on your resume as early as in your first semester.

Competitions improve your grades. Provided you don’t spend all of your time on them, competitions allow you to gain a wider and deeper understanding of the area of law you’re looking into.

Prizes. Did we forget to mention the prizes? Some of our competitions offer prizes for winners. Tickets to law ball, for example.

Opportunity for international movement. Success in our internal competitions can open up opportunities to compete nationally and internationally. How does Melbourne, Vienna or New York sound?

I need MORE! Tips! Information! Strategy!

Read through this helpful Guide prepared by our Competitions team in 2017. It’s a couple of years old, but it’s packed with relevant information and tips for success.

Competitions Guide