we know that graduating is only half the challenge


12pm Tuesday 10 march | bond university PLT and PIZZA

In order to be admitted as a lawyer, you’ll have to complete a further Practical Legal Training (PLT) course. Join us in the G36 Moot Court for pizza and to hear about studying PLT at Bond University.

12pm Tuesday 17 march | College of Law PLT and PROSCIUTTO

Join us in the G36 Moot Court to find out about studying your PLT with the College of Law. As Queensland’s largest provider of PLT, the College of Law provides you with the added flexibility of studying on the Gold Coast.

TBA | Clayton utz clerkship seminar

We know that finding employment in the legal industry is incredibly competitive. Join us in the G36 Moot Court to find out more about clerking at top-tier firm Clayton Utz and what they look for in clerks and graduates.

TBA | Herbert Smith freehills clerkship seminar

As one of the world’s largest commercial law firms, Herbert Smith Freehills offers a great degree of international movement for their lawyers. Join us in the G36 Moot Court to find out how to apply for their Vacation Clerk program and what they look for in clerks and graduates.