Competitions Overview
Welcome to the Griffith University Law Student’s Association Competitions for 2019! Whether you’re a veteran competitor looking to show off your prowess in our Open Competitions or just looking to gain some experience and have a go in our Junior Competitions, rest assured that this year’s competitions has something for you.
TIP: If you’re understandably feeling a bit overwhelmed with the law school workload, consider this; our negotiation and client interview competitions are relatively preparation light. You can do well in these competitions with as little as a few hours preparation.
Junior Competitions
Our junior competitions are open to all law students in their first or second year. They aim to help you build the skills you’ll be using in your career as a lawyer.
We understand everyone has to start somewhere. We don’t expect you to be lawyer-grade in this competition, we’re here to help you learn and improve these invaluable, highly marketable skills.
Our Junior Competitions offered are:
Client Interview
Open Competitions
Our open competitions are open to all law students. This competition has a focus on finding and matching some of Griffith University’s best competitors against one another.
Successful competitors in this competition will be held in high regard for entry as a Griffith representative in national competitions such as ALSA.
Our Open competitions offered are:
Client Interview
Witness Examination
External Competitions